Brand new long blocks built and assembled from the best parts on the market, measured, machined, blue printed and carefully assembled better than Vw ever did factory. These deliver more power and stability than any one supplier ever could. This is not your cheesy off the shelf long block. These have been hand crafted by a long time tradesmen and artist that sweats and bleeds Vws.
Brand new as41 or super aluminum engine case, full oil modified and vented for maximum cooling and case pressure relief. All German main, rod and cam bearings. Completely measured, blue printed and set with only the best clearances to achieve long life and performance of your engine. Cb performance internals, crankshaft, rods, gears, ect. Topped with one of our specially selected camshafts and lifter sets. Remember every engine here is built to the customers needs all very proven and low maintenance combos. All engines will receive brand new performance heads, In 40x35 or 42x37, stainless steel valves, hd or dual valve springs. Solid or high lift ratio Cb rockers. Shimmed for silence and set with precision geometry. Our oil pumps will be true German pumps either gene berg or CB performance, blueprinted and tested.
We will only choose the most reliable and tested parts in our engines. Our personal air cooleds will push well over the 100k mark on a build with the proper maintenance. We strive for longevity over the newest coolest fads.